The candle business is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. With the increasing interest in natural products, candles have become more popular than ever before. The candle business is also a great opportunity for anyone who wants to start their own business and make extra money while they're at it.

There are many ways to start your own candle company, but before you even think about opening your doors, there are some things you need to consider first.

Here are some tips on how to start a candle business:

Know Your Competition: Before you even think about starting up your own candle business, it's important that you know what your competition is doing so that you can differentiate yourself from them. Find out what other companies are selling and then create your own unique image or product line.

Do Your Research: You should do extensive research before starting up any new business venture. When it comes to candles, this includes looking at trends in sales and demand as well as industry research reports that show how much money people spend on certain types of items in general (like candles).

Find A Niche Market: When deciding what type of candles to sell, try finding something unique instead of just selling scented candles like everyone else does. You may want to consider